Filtry wentylacyjne HEPA-VENT

Wysokowydajne filtry do zatrzymywania cząstek stałych (HEPA) stosowane w aplikacjach przemysłowych, badawczych i naukowych, które wymagają bardzo wysokiej retencji cząstek stałych w powietrzu.
HEPA-VENT high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) air filters are used in industrial, research, and scientific applications that require extremely high retention of airborne particles.

• Randomly arranged glass microfiber media is strengthened by dual lamination with a tough polyester monofilament for increased capacity
• Meets high-efficiency particulate arrestance standard, retaining 99.97% of all particles
0.3 µm in air
• Depth design results in extremely high retention and bidirectional flow rate

Whatman™ brand venting filters are available for a variety of applications. In addition to Whatman™ HEPA-VENT filters, Whatman™ HEPA-CAP capsule venting filter is available to support greater filtration volumes. Browse the options to find the right filter for your application.

Whatman™ HEPA-VENT industrial air filter
HEPA air filter products offer particle retention of even heavily particulate-laden air samples. Whatman™ HEPA-VENT filters are highly suited for applications where high retention, dirt-holding capacity, and flow rates are required. They are typically used as in-line filters during air or gas filtration in fermenters, or incubators.
Filtry wentylacyjne HEPA-VENT
Filtry wentylacyjne HEPA-VENT
Filtry wentylacyjne HEPA-VENT
Filtration Media Laminated hydrophobically treated glass microfiber 
Connections 1/4 to 3/8 in SB 
Filtration Area 16 cm2
Housing Polypropylene (PP) 
Support System Polypropylene (PP) 
Sterilization Autoclavable 
Operating pressure max. 4.1 bar - Capsule (60 psi) 
Sealing Heat-fused 
Flow Direction Bidirectional 
Nominal filtration area 50 mm disc: 16 cm2
Product Product Name Pack size
6723-5000 HEPA-VENT 50 mm Disc; inlet 1/4 to 3/8" stepped barb; outlet 1/4 to 3/8" stepped barb 10 pieces