Papier wzrostowy Grade 0858

Papier wzrostowy, chropowaty o średnim przepływie i średniej retencji. Uniwersalny papier filtracyjny stosowany do filtracji ekstraktów, olejów, piwa, syropów itp.
Grained, with medium fast flow rate and medium retention. A universal filter paper, used for the filtration of extracts, oils, beer, syrups etc.; also applied in filter presses or for the aspiration of liquids.

These filter papers are made from super-refined cellulose and have been specifically designed to have particular properties for each technical application. The applications range from the filtration of beverages to the purification of electroplating baths.

Available prepleated as Grade 0858 1/2.
Papier wzrostowy Grade 0858
Papier wzrostowy Grade 0858
Papier wzrostowy Grade 0858
Grade Grade 0858
Application The applications range from the filtration of beverages to the purification of electroplating baths
Material Cellulose
Properties Medium fast, grained
Filtration Speed (Herzberg) Approx. 55 s
Basis Weight 75 g/m2
Product Product Name Dimensions 
10334365 Grade 0858 seed test paper; white; wrap for pleated strips 11 × 58 cm; 500/PK 11 × 58 cm
10334300 Grade 0858 seed test paper, paper sheets 210 × 210 mm
10334435 Grade 0858 seed test papers, 670 × 770 mm, 100/PK 670 × 770 mm
10390046 Grade 0858 seed test paper, paper sheets, 1060 × 560 mm 1060 × 560 mm
10334346 Grade 0858 seed test paper 570 × 870 mm 570 × 870 mm
10334383 Grade 0858 Filter Paper for Technical Use; sheet; 390 × 390 mm 390 x 390 mm
10334385 Grade 0858 Filter Paper for Technical Use; sheet; 450 × 450 mm 450 x 450 mm
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